editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

F.A. Hayek Foundation

ABOUT F.A. Hayek Foundation
The F. A. Hayek Foundation Bratislava – is an independent and non-political, non-profit organization, founded in 1991, by a group of free-market oriented Slovak economists.
Taking Swiss Trains for a Bitcoin
Taking Swiss Trains for a Bitcoin
Argentina reports that one of its start-ups has been testing an app called Signatura. It is used as a tool verifying official or administrative documents, without the need for third party confidentiality agreements. Potential areas of application include both the public and the private sector.
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
Economy, Politics
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
With the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe passionate debates all around in the ether picked up in pace, scrutinizing a range of complementary topics – from the circumstances of individual attacks, sources and causes of terrorism to distinct analyses of motives presumably prompting terrorists to carry out their disdainful acts of violence.
Slovak National Uprising of Entrepreneurs
Slovak National Uprising of Entrepreneurs
To know how to fight for freedom is important. But it is also important to know how to preserve this freedom. And a look into our recent past unveils that we lost it right in the years 1948 and 1968, although in the second case, we lost more or less only the hope for freedom. And unfortunately, we may lose it again.
Severe Legislative  Crime in Slovakia
Severe Legislative Crime in Slovakia
The Slovak Ministry of Finance sent the entrepreneurs a special package this week. It contains as many as seven (!) new tax law amendments. The extraordinary content of the tax package is the reason for red alert among entrepreneurs. This attitude is the result of previous negative experiences.
You Have a Mailbox As Well
You Have a Mailbox As Well
With laughter through tears it can be said that so-called mailbox companies have a paradise here in Slovakia. But when companies are to have mailboxes, it’s considered a problem. This issue has a history several years long, which culminates now and has three levels.
The EU Shall Get Inspired by the Hockey Team Europe
The EU Shall Get Inspired by the Hockey Team Europe
The project of the hockey Team Europe is a practical example of advantages coming form a flexible approach. First of all, it enables those European countries which have an established competitive team toenter on their own. At the same time, Team Europe is an amazing solution for countries with a handful of excellent hockey players, yet not enough to create a team which would be competitive on the international scene.