editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Jan Dinga

ABOUT Jan Dinga
Jan Dinga cooperates with INESS since 2012. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics at Comenius University in Bratislava. He used to work as a reporting specialist and data quality controller. His field of interest is focused on public expenses, tax systems and financial crisis.
Meal Vouchers Reduce Employee’s Salary
Meal Vouchers Reduce Employee’s Salary
Slovak Labour Code that requires separation of the meal contribution for an employee from the salary of the employee created an artificial meal voucher market and ensured the voucher companies millions in revenue and generous profit margins, which are, at the end of the day, paid by the majority of workers, employers and restaurateurs in Slovakia.
European Dilemmas
Recent developments have already split even the almighty Troika (ECB, IMF, European Commission) which negotiates conditions for providing loans to bankrupted European economies.
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
During the past decade Slovakia used to be called a tiger in the middle of Europe. We have earned this nickname because we implemented transparent tax system with lower rates which in combination with relatively cheap labor attracted many large investors. But big corporations were not the only companies who came here to set up […]