editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Jan Oravec

ABOUT Jan Oravec
President of F. A. Hayek Foundation from Slovakia. President of Association of Entrepreneurs of Slovakia
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
Politics, Society
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
The sigh in the title refers to my experiences from my trip to Brussels back in March and to Paris in April. More specifically it takes me back to a Paris restaurant, Paris streets and to Brussels meeting rooms. Even though they took place in different environment, they are a perfect display of the current state of Europe.
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
If the needs of economy are long ignored, the ability to create resources necessary for maintaining or even improving our standards of living will be lost. The politicians – whether the ones in Slovakia, in foreign countries or in institutions of EU – should finally acknowledge several basic priorities vital for business.
Smer after the Election
Smer after the Election
Slovak politicians create rules for entrepreneurship as if for people living on a different planet – and that is the way it has been for many years already. It is the politics of excessive interference in economics, which inherently and often unnecessarily limits enterprise freedoms.
Why I Envy the Scandinavian States
Economy, Society
Why I Envy the Scandinavian States
From a total of 34 OECD countries, 29 of them have a minister for regulatory reform – Slovakia is not one of them. 33 OECD countries have a permanent institution for overseeing regulatory policy – Slovakia is not one of them.
Nominate the Slovak Administrative Nonsense of 2015
Think Tank News
Nominate the Slovak Administrative Nonsense of 2015
The selection of administrative nonsenses listed every year gives a perfect overview of how many obstacles entrepreneurs must overcome if they want to run business in Slovakia. Feel free to nominate a nonsense that bothers you most – visit www.byrokratickynezmysel.sk and submit your suggestion until this Sunday.
Lessons from Volkswagen Case
Lessons from Volkswagen Case
Soon after the outbreak of Volkswagen scandal, it was found out that not only Volkswagen, but also many other, and potentially, all car producers which release diesel cars have the same problem. Their management, who cheated their way around the strict emission limits, eats humble pie at the press conferences.