editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Jan Oravec

ABOUT Jan Oravec
President of F. A. Hayek Foundation from Slovakia. President of Association of Entrepreneurs of Slovakia
Puppet Parliament
We are used to the fact that our parliament is not an autonomous source of legislative power, but merely a puppet in the hands of the government.
Orwellian Budget
Government budget for 2014? Welcome to 1984! That’s how a discussion about the 2014 government budget proposal could be summarised.
Good News for Slovakia
But the fact is that \"the shale revolution\" significantly undermines the stereotype that humanity is moving toward a deadlock with exhausted energy resources.
Austrian School Three Times Right
Austrian School Three Times Right
It is good that an agreement concerning law regulating fiscal responsibilities is reached in our Parliament, involving whole political spectrum. It is great to put down the fire with common effort. It would be even better, however, if we agreed on reasons of this long fire of debt, who and how caused it. And one […]