editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Latchezar Bogdanov

ABOUT Latchezar Bogdanov
Chief Economist at IME
Еuro Оutlook: What Is Next for Bulgaria
Еuro Оutlook: What Is Next for Bulgaria
In the past weeks, the convergence reports of the European Commission and the European Central Bank were published. The result for Bulgaria is expected - the inflation rate is higher than the reference value and therefore the country does not meet this Eurozone membership criterion. In practice, this puts an end to the question of whether the country can adopt the euro on 1 January 2025 - no, there is no such possibility.
Bulgarian Government Versus Global Markets – Round One
Bulgarian Government Versus Global Markets – Round One
The Bulgarian government banned the imports of twenty agricultural goods from Ukraine. This act and the related arguments for restricting free trade supported by the government, some politicians, media outlets, and interested businesses, show why the Institute for Market Economics has been debunking economic illusions and providing answers, in times of poor knowledge breeding poor policies, for more than 30 years.
Bulgarian Will toward Rule of Law
Bulgarian Will toward Rule of Law
For millennia humans have been fighting for all this against the randomness of tyranny, the dominance of strengths, privilege, and discretion over common rules and freedoms, defended by just laws. They have always wanted to live in such a way that it is clear what belongs to them and what belongs to others, contracts are not broken, what is borrowed is later returned, and the ruler is punished if he steals, lies or mistreats.