editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Vlachynsky

ABOUT Martin Vlachynsky
Since 2012, a member of INESS. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic), and earned master degree on the University of Aberdeen (UK). He used to work several years as a web marketing and social networks specialist. His field of interest envelopes economic policies, regulation, and health care
The End of Siesta – Fiat Euro! 37/2012
The End of Siesta – Fiat Euro! 37/2012
The Hot Wednesday wasn’t that hot after all. Greece denies need for the third bailout package. Spaniards don’t want any bailouts either. Rompuy has a plan. Americans don’t want to be left behind. The Judgment Day came, but it didn’t bring any shocking surprises. Bailout mechanism is not against the Constitution in Germany and the parliament […]
We Will Be Paying with Lira – Fiat Euro! 36/2012
We Will Be Paying with Lira – Fiat Euro! 36/2012
Is the last fortification falling down? Spain used backup. American debt can ask for a driving license. And Bulgarians are ungrateful. Silly season ended in a big style. ECB decided on its meeting last week to resurrect the program of purchasing bonds of the problematic states under a new label. Forget SMP, here comes new and better […]
Sheep or Wolf – Fiat Euro! 35/2012
Sheep or Wolf – Fiat Euro! 35/2012
In Spain it will be hot after the summer. Judgment day will be on September 12. Did you sell grandfather’s gold teeth in Italy? We are treating depression by delivering news about bad situation our neighbours are in. The heat is slowing down the pace of society, but if you think it will slow down […]
Kyoto Limits Without a Signature
Kyoto Limits Without a Signature
While the “green” countries like Austria or Switzerland are slowly surrendering the dream to reach the carbon dioxide limits set by the Kyoto Protocol, one of the few countries, which will probably reach them, is USA. Those United States, which refused to ratify Kyoto and were strongly criticized by the western world community for this […]
Friedman Legacy Day for Freedom in Slovakia
Think Tank News
Friedman Legacy Day for Freedom in Slovakia
For the third time, Institute of Economic and Social Studies INESS was honored to organize event commemorating Milton Friedman, one of the most notable flag bearers of economic liberty. As INESS is the most frequently quoted economic think tank in Slovakia and a loud defender of market freedom, we wanted to make sure Friedman’s 100th […]
Bankers are Overworked – Fiat Euro! 27/2012
Bankers are Overworked – Fiat Euro! 27/2012
ECB trade unions protest, Barclays collects all the prizes both at home and abroad, Sarkozy packed toothbrush and pajamas – just in case, Finns and Dutch are disobedient, Klaus witty about the Europe as always. And you know who rules the EU? Communists. Ongoing crisis has profound social implications. So significant that they were noticed […]
Slovakia: The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves
Slovakia: The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves
The current soap opera is far from being wrapped up by the bailout for Spain. We’re only at the 44th episode, and the main character of the whole series – Italy – has so far only been flitting furtively through the background. If you were to change the names of the countries to names of […]
One Step Closer to the End – Fiat Euro! 20/2012
One Step Closer to the End – Fiat Euro! 20/2012
About the Greeks beating German-looking pensioners and Greek members of parliament playing black metal, while Merkel is happy to gamble with their lives. About fiscal pact, which is good in one country and bad in another one, about reducing debt with the help of magic and about American budgetary hockey game, which ended 99:0. After […]