editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Michal Przybylak

ABOUT Michal Przybylak
Economist, graduate of the University of Economics in Poznań and the MBA program at WSB Poznań and Franklin University. He works in business in a consulting company and deals with economic analyzes for Nowoczesna.
Will the 800+ Program Help Win Next Election in Poland?
Will the 800+ Program Help Win Next Election in Poland?
In 2015, the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party won the elections, promising a significant new social support program. In March 2016, with a majority in the parliament, PiS introduced the \"Family 500+\" program, which provided an additional payment of PLN 500 per child per month. Initially, the program was for a second and subsequent child in a family, but later it was extended to include the first child as well.
Can Poland Be the Next Country to Join Eurozone?
Can Poland Be the Next Country to Join Eurozone?
Poland has been a member of the European Union since 2004, but has not decided to join the monetary union yet. Have Poland benefited or lost from this decision? For the last two years, starting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish zloty, like other currencies of Central European countries, has been significantly depreciated.