editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Petar Ganev

ABOUT Petar Ganev
Senior Researcher at the IME, specializes in areas including business cycle, public finances, economic freedom, competition, climate change, and extreme poverty
IT Specialists, Regional Development
IT Specialists, Regional Development
Over the past 10 years, the Bulgarian economy has changed dramatically. The manufacturing sector is gradually shifting towards higher value added production. The number of employed in traditional industries, for instance the clothing industry and furniture manufacturing, has dropped significantly.
Tax Competition Crucial for EU
Tax Competition Crucial for EU
In order for the EU to prosper as a political, economic and social construct, it needs to be more competitive – including in the field of tax policy, and also to respect sovereignty and find unanimously agreed solutions on major issues.
Clientelism and Inequality in Bulgaria
Clientelism and Inequality in Bulgaria
There is a profound feeling of injustice rooted deep in the Bulgarian society. This can be clearly seen in international studies that cover topics such as trust in institutions and the rule of law. The same feeling of injustice is responsible for the widespread negative public perceptions towards Bulgarian entrepreneurs.
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
Although Bulgaria has officially been in a budgetary consolidation phase during the entire 2013-2015 period, public expenditure went out of control on several occasions. Yet again the newly presented medium-term budget framework provides for decreasing deficits, while current expenditures (and thus deficits) are being hiked.
Justice and Inequality
REVIEW, Review #2
Justice and Inequality
The modern debate on inequality is, in practice, a discussion about the morality of capitalism. To simplify this debate by presenting two opposing worlds – a capitalist society where skills and effort lead to inequality, and a socialist society where the state can secure equality – may be a good learning experience, but leaves aside the challenges that we face in the modern world.