editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Peter Altmiks

ABOUT Peter Altmiks
Liberales Institute, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
Statistical Nonsense of the Month
Statistical Nonsense of the Month
Walter Krämer, a professor of statistics, found out that the OECD had produced the statistical nonsense of the month: According to a recent study published in May 2015 the topmost 10% of all German employees earn 6.6 times more than the undermost 10%.
Distributive Effects of the German Hartz IV-Reforms
Distributive Effects of the German Hartz IV-Reforms
The activating labour market reforms of the German government at the beginning of the 21st century (Agenda 2010) were considered to be successful in reducing unemployment, especially long-term unemployment. But the majority of the media and also the majority of the German population consider this reform as socially unfair. While long-term unemployment fell from 1.7 […]
Landesbanken: The Monster Is Still Alive
Landesbanken: The Monster Is Still Alive
The key question is: why should the German regional states own a bank? It has cost and still costs the German taxpayer a great deal of money to invest in boats, planes and property, yet brings the taxpayer few advantages for the risks incurred. Given the strength of our economy, this poor performance still looks very strange.