editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Roland Reiner

ABOUT Roland Reiner
Political analyst based in Hungary. Member of Integrity Lab.
Why Are There So Few Women in Hungarian Politics?
Politics, Society
Why Are There So Few Women in Hungarian Politics?
Only 10% of Hungarian members of parliament are women. This has been basically the case since the change of regime, despite the fact that the participation of women in politics is on the rise all around Europe and the world. And while complete gender equality in political representation is still not feasible in most countries, Hungary is usually at the end of all equality ratings.
REVIEW #5: The Sharing Economy: Economic Frame or Forerunner of Another Political Cleavage?
Review #5
REVIEW #5: The Sharing Economy: Economic Frame or Forerunner of Another Political Cleavage?
The Commission’s recommendation is rather supportive towards the collaborative economy in general due to its innovativeness and potential to create jobs. A part of these suggestions is aimed at policy makers: “Absolute bans and quantitative restrictions of an activity normally constitute a measure of last resort”.