editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Story of Visegrad

ABOUT The Story of Visegrad
"The Story of Visegrád - How to Understand Political Storytelling & Craft Alternative Narratives Online" will explore the relationship between populism and storytelling in the context of the public perception of the Visegrád group and then try to set up an alternative liberal narrative—through the means of narrative-driven media content (i.e. YouTube etc.). Participants will go beyond conceptualization and actually practice their skills in storytelling as well as digital content creation. The aim of this project is to now move beyond the national playground and to set up a pro-European Counter-Visegrad group combining liberal forces from all over the region. Seeing itself as a starting point for a liberal network beyond 2020, this workshop series will bring together political executives from parties across the regions to develop counter-narratives.
Here Is How to Craft Your Story as A Liberal!
Here Is How to Craft Your Story as A Liberal!
If you look at the political map of Europe these days, you cannot miss the distinctive success of populist movements in Central Europe, not to mention the alliance of Hungarian and Polish governments. With a group of participants from the region, we discussed populism in the Visegrád (V4) countries and its relevance for political communication during the online workshop series \"The Story of Visegrád\".
Analyzing Populism in Visegrad Group
Analyzing Populism in Visegrad Group
What does populism mean? Why does populism spread across the world & across Europe. Why did populists come into power? Why does populism try to change the core of Europe and the European Union? And why is populism so strong in the Visegrád Group, especially in Poland and Hungary. There is no doubt, populism fueled a widespread crisis of democracy.
Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Orbán, Kaczyński, Babiš, Salvini, Le Pen, Farage. Politicians from different countries, with different political affiliations, but they definitely have one thing in common: they are all populists. But how come, that one “ideology” can connect these different politicians with different political views? Well, in this article I am going to synthetize and expound these connection points in order to have the ability to forge counter-narratives.