editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Vaclav Nekvapil

ABOUT Vaclav Nekvapil
Managing Partner of Prague's office of CEC Government Relations, leading Public Affairs agency in Central Europe. In 2012 he became President of newly established Association of Public Affairs Agencies of the Czech Republic. He is also Vice-chairman of Supervisory Board of Czech foreign policy think-tank, the Association for International Affairs (AMO). Prior to that he served as advisor and assistant to senior politicians, analyst and research director of AMO, and was active in political marketing. He graduated in Political Science from Charles University in Prague in 2005, obtained qualification at the École nationale d'administration (ENA) in 2008 and Ph.D in Politics from Charles University in 2013. He has also gained numerous other academic qualifications and experience, including the Marshall Memorial Fellowship (2010), internship at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (2008), TASA – Transatlantic Security Studies in Bonn University (2007); or the Robinson-Martin Security Studies Programme at the Prague Security Studies Institute (2003).