Under the pressure of unionists, local or state governments gave up fast – after all, they are not private owners, who protect their firms against the threat of bankrupcy, but elective clerks financed by taxes!
Riverside County decided to solve library problems by transferring a part of the operations it was in charge of. Therefore, it offered a new contract in a competition open to both public and private bidders.
Goodbye Ben, and welcome Jannet; but from the point of view of FED policy, nothing has changed, apart from the fact that Yellen could be a more pro stimulus oriented person than Bernanke.
This treaty was supposed to force politicians to behave more responsibly and not to think only in a time horizon of the next elections, but in a couple of months it became obvious that countries would be breaking also this treaty regularly.
The building, based on Gaudí’s unique architecture, has been under construction since 1882 and the expected year of its completion is 2026. The church is interesting not just by its architecture and a huge capacity (15,000 people), but also by the fact that its construction has been financed only from private sources.
In line with Laffer’s curve[1], the low flat income tax has led to a steady growth in revenues from income tax, because people responded to the reduced incentives for concealing income.
The Index of Economic Freedom by Heritage Foundation, the Index of Economic Freedom by Fraser Institute, World Bank\'s Doing Business, World Economic Forum\'s ranking, IMD’s competitiveness ranking - all these rankings are telling us the same thing: better times in Slovakia are long gone.