In Finnish schools, 14-16-year-old students have a right to two hours of conversation with a vocational guidance counsellor once a week. In the Canadian province Quebec, students prepare their Individualized Educational Plans and take part in many activities helping them to develop their skills and passions (...)
Helping the poor to free themselves from poverty should not mean absolving the individual from all responsibility and nurturing a culture of victimhood, entitlement and dependency.
Its supporters – fortunately not as numerous in Poland as in Western Europe and the USA – talk and write about the advantages of renewable energy like about a utopian, wonderful world without CO2 emissions, in which new workplaces in wind, solar and biofuel energy sectors are created.
If Poland is supposed to be an important point on the economic map of Europe and the world, it must also create its \"poles\", through the development and specialization of universities cooperating with global players.
We can’t deny that Polish accession to the Eurozone must involve some costs. (...) And benefits that can be achieved may reward the necessary sacrifices.
Let’s see what kind of an enemy our politicians will find when trying to explain new problems. For example, when we’ll have to lend again to Greece, which has found an unfilled gap equal to €11 billion in its budget for 2014 and 2015.
The global youth entering the labour force in recent years and those about to enter in the coming decade are faced with much more uncertainty than the generations before them.