editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Central banks still don’t provide monetary opium, how long will the current illusions last without it? New taxes and economic growth. Milton Friedman would be 100 years old. Crisis is 5 years old. Last week we challenged the governor of the ECB Mario Draghi, who promised the moon to the markets, to stop talking and to […]
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
During the past decade Slovakia used to be called a tiger in the middle of Europe. We have earned this nickname because we implemented transparent tax system with lower rates which in combination with relatively cheap labor attracted many large investors. But big corporations were not the only companies who came here to set up […]
Poor Philanthropists  – Fiat Euro! 30/2012
Poor Philanthropists – Fiat Euro! 30/2012
When is going to happen the next Slovak cabinet billion-worth meeting? Is Draghi tough because Angela is on hliday? Will be two Greek bankrupts within six months a new European or Olympic record? What a week! When it come to euro crisis, there is no silly time for sure. For example, how many Slovak cabinet meetings, during […]
The Latvian Way: How to Increase the Effective Retirement Age?
Economy, Society
The Latvian Way: How to Increase the Effective Retirement Age?
Since regaining independence some twenty years ago Latvia, a small, open economy has been tormented by three economic crises: first one resulting from the economic transition (institutional change from centrally planned to free market economy), second, in 1998, being transmitted from Russia, and the last one being part of the recent global recession. Despite these […]
When the EU Food Policy Fails
Economy, Politics
When the EU Food Policy Fails
During the recent years the EU has been trying, via regulations of the EU Commission, to prevent people from consuming harmful food. The EU Commission thus produces legislation regulating food market and many of them, such as extensive law regulating gummy bears or the legislation stating “proper” shape of cucumber are nowadays taken by citizens […]
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Is destabilization of the EU really the only alternative? German constitutional court takes its time. The state won’t allow any competition in manipulating interest rates. Many Spaniards have put all the eggs in one basket, which is currently hitting the ground. When Silvio is talking, rating agencies are listening. New chairman of the Council for […]