The Sofia Echo writes about a ranking of the most influential people in Bulgaria presented by the local edition of Forbes magazine. The first place was granted to the Prime Minister (GERB) Boiko Borissov, second was Tsvetan Vassilev – Corporate Commercial Bank majority shareholder. Among 30 people there was only one woman – Tsvetelina Borislavova, majority shareholder of Bulgarian American Credit Bank. More about the ranking here.

President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus is paying a visit to Bulgaria on March 27, 2012, invited by the Bulgarian president Rossen Plevneliev, as The Sofia Echo writes today. There will be both talks between the presidents and between the Czech and Bulgarian delegations. A joint conference is planned to be held by Klaus and Plevneliev.The issues tackled during the talks will include political dialogue, bilateral relations, chances for trade cooperation and widely understood…

About elections which delighted Europe, about some new ideas from the city on the Seine and about a bankruptcy that turned out to be a bankruptcy. A budget hatchet will be buried in Slovakia, and Robert Fico will be in charge of it. At least, this is what the last weekend’s election resulted in. Contrary to the election outcome in the year 2006, this time the results of the party SMER pleased the foreign countries….

As The Lithuania Tribune writes Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano in Seoul, during the Nuclear Security Summit. President Grybauskaitė emphasised that works at both the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the planned Visaginas nuclear power plant are carried out with full respect for nuclear safety requirements. However, she pointed out concern when it comes to the safety of planned nuclear power plants in…

As the portal writes, new Polish party was officially launched on Saturday, March 24. The new conservative party is called Solidarna Polska (SP) (Solidarity Poland) and Zbigniew Ziobro, former Minister of Justice, was elected its leader. Solidarna Polska has 20MPs, 2 senators and 4 MEPs, mainly former members of Law and Justice party. Currently, according to surveys, the party has less than 2% of voters’ support. Main points of the political programme of the…

According to The Slovak Spectator Miroslav Lajčák will be new Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the ministerial nominations will be known on Monday, March 26. Apart from Lajčák’s nomination, it is already known that Marek Maďarič will  be culture minister, Robert Kaliňák – interior minister and Peter Kažimír – finance minister. More information here.  

Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day is officially celebrated on March 23. On this occassion, as the portal writes, Polish President Bronisław Komorowski is going to visit Hungary. First there will be celebrations held in Budapest, in which Hungarian counterpart President Pal Schmitt will also take part. On Friday celebrations will be held in Szeged. On the occassion of Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day a plaque will be unveiled in Budapest and both Presidents will plant oak trees as…

According to the portal ( Josef Dobeš,  former Minister of Education, resigned from his position. Officially the resignation followed decision to cut down on the Ministry of Education’s budget, which would mean according to the former Minister “unacceptable cut in teachers’ salaries”. Czech media, however, speculate that financial cuts at the Ministry were just an excuse for Dobeš to resign. Former Minister was criticized for inefficient management of the European funds. Another criticism towards…

According to The Sofia Echo during a visit of Bulgarian PM Boiko Borissov to Ankara 17 documents were signed. Bulgarian government delegation headed to Turkey for the meeting of the Bulgarian-Turkish High-Level Co-operation Council. Signed documents covered a wide scope of issues, such as gas transmission, economic and military cooperation and culture. Bulgarian and Turkish Ministers of Foreign Affairs issued a joint statement expressing support for the Arab people fighting for freedom and democracy. More…

Ruling coalition in Lithuania is not going to be dissolved after Minister of the Interior Raimundas Palaitis resigned on March 19, as The Lithuania Tribune writes. Raimundas Palaitis resigned after making a controversial hasty decision to fire heads of the Financial Crime Investigation Service – Vitalijus Gailius and Vytautas Girzadas. Former Minister said: “I would like to say that I have no regrets whatsoever over my decision. I feel I was acting legitimately and rightly…