editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Think Tank News

Javier Milei – Savior or Threat? [EVENT]

Javier Milei – Savior or Threat? [EVENT]

Javier Milei’s victory in the Argentinian presidential elections surprised the world and at the same time inspired a wave of interest in this South American country, about which not much is known in the Czech Republic or Europe in general. What was the political and economic situation in Argentina in recent years that allowed someone with such radical proposals to be elected President, while at the same time acting more like a carnival entertainer than a politician?

That is why the Liberal Institute is hosting a panel discussion on Argentina and Javier Milei. We invite you to debate Milei’s reforms, liberalism, economic and political freedom, Argentina’s foreign relations, and the future of the country.

We will meet on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 pm at Gram Prague.


  • Lars-André Richter – Head of the Prague office of Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, who previously worked in Argentina
  • Lautaro Soza Torrijos – Leader of Students for Freedom in Hungary, previously worked as leader of Students for Freedom in Argentina and worked on the Milei campaign
  • Nikola Jokanović – PhD student at the University of Hradec Kralove, focusing on energy and foreign policy in Latin America

The debate will be held in English. The formal part of the event will last a maximum of two hours. It will be followed by an informal part with refreshments.


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