editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Elections in Slovakia

Elections in Slovakia

Parliamentary elections in Slovakia will take place on March 10, 2012. According to the lates surveys presented by The Slovak Spectator seven politial parties have chances of crossing the 5% threshold. Smer is supported by 40% of the surveyed, the Christian Democratic Movememner (KDH) – 12% , (Most-Hid) – 7%, the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (SDKU) – 6% and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) – 6% and Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OL’aNO) and the Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK) – 5,5% each.

photo: quinet

According to the polls parties that receive less than 5% support include the Slovak National Party (SNS), 99 Percent – Civic Voice and the Movemement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS).

Expected turnout reaches 44-50%.

More about the poll’s results in The Slovak Spectator here.