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Is Inflation Inevitable? [4liberty.eu Newsletter]

Is Inflation Inevitable? [4liberty.eu Newsletter]

The February issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Kiev, Ukraine. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons


Oleksandra Betliy, Iryna Kosse, Vitaliy Kravchuk (Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting – Kyiv): Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments

At the outset of 2024, many economic projections assumed the war in Ukraine would conclude within the year. However, reality defied expectations. The war persisted, bringing new challenges, including territorial losses, large-scale infrastructure destruction, and sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid. The Government faced the pressing need to secure funding for the war effort and mobilize additional defense forces.

Leonardas Marcinkevicius (LFMI): Is Inflation Inevitable?

Price inflation is not inevitable. One of the most common explanations for price growth is identifying it with capitalism. The argument is that inflation is unavoidable as the economy grows. It is thought that for businesses to have an incentive to invest and wages to grow, the prices of goods and services should rise in the first place. However, the history of the world’s most important economy, the United States of America, shows that growth is possible without inflation.

Kitti Kosa (Republikon Institute): Scapegoating as Political Strategy: Practice of Orbán’s Regime

The political processes of the past decades in Hungary have raised several questions about the role of populism, enemy formation, and political identity construction. Fidesz’s political strategy under Viktor Orbán is a prominent example of how populism, used as a power tool, can change democratic norms while stabilizing political power.

Filip Blaha (Institute for Liberal Studies): Should Czech National Bank Buy Bitcoin Reserves?

Governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) Aleš Michl recently commented that the Czech National Bank might consider including Bitcoin in its reserves. Is this really a good idea? Should the CNB invest in this digital asset?

Dominika Kasprowicz (Liberte): Disinformation, Effectively in the Shadow of War

We know that disinformation as a tool of war is conducted in the shadow of war in the sense that it is a continuous, systematic, and diversified process, used not only during wartime but also—perhaps primarily—during “peacetime.”


Bojan Lazarevski (Young Voices): France Must Drop Its Opposition to Mercosur Trade Deal

While the EU-MERCOSUR agreement is nearing its final stages, some remain opposed, risking a deadlock in the EU’s approval process. The EU must ensure smooth ratification to strengthen its strategic autonomy in these uncertain times.

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