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Join the Seminar: Gold Plating – National Issues vs European Legislation

Join the Seminar: Gold Plating – National Issues vs European Legislation

Gold-plating is a term that describes the process where an EU directive is given additional powers when being transposed into the national laws of member states – a quite common approach in any EU state. The seminar will reflect upon this issue and give an overview of positive approaches on how successful EU countries deal with the problem and what kind of procedures they have implemented. We will also focus on the national perspective and take into consideration the point of view of social partners such as government and businesses. During the seminar, a recently published policy paper on Golplating will be presented. Join us in Bratislava on May 6, 2015!

Date: May 6, 2015

Place: Bratislava, Austria Trend Hotel, Slovakia

Organizer: F.A. Hayek Foundation

Co-organizers: 4liberty.eu, Friedrich Neumann Stiftung, European Commission Mission in Slovakia, Slovak Business Agency, Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia, National Union of Employers, Hospodarske Noviny daily, Aktuality.sk

Continuity: The event is a continuation of the successful event called “Regulatory burden – Legislation from Brussels: Helping Hand or Unnecessary Hurdle” organized in 2014 with 75 participants and in co-operation with National Union of Employers, Entrepreneurship Association of Slovakia, and Hospodarske noviny (daily newspaper), aktuality.sk (second most read portal in Slovakia).


08:30am – 09:00am Registration

09:00am – 10:30 Panel I: Gold plating – Legislation from Brussels: Helping Hand or Unnecessary Hurdle? Problems and solutions.

Moderator: Matúš Pošvanc, F.A. Hayek Foundation

Speakers: Elizabeth Golberg, European Commission (confirmed), What Can the EC do To Minimise Gold-Plating In Member States?

Rastislav Chovanec, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs (confirmed). Gold-Plating in Slovakia. What Should Be Done To Reduce It?

Christian Ardhe, Group I, Employers Group, ECOSOC, Brussels (confirmed), Gold-Plating: View of Employers Group in ECOSOC

Ján Oravec, The Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia/NUE (confirmed)


10:30 – 11:00pm Coffee Break

11:00am – 12:30am Panel II: Making Business Environment More Business-Friendly

Moderator: Ján Oravec, The Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia/NUE (confirmed)

Speakers: Marián Letovanec, Slovak Business Agency, Better Regulation and problems of SMEs (confirmed)

Aleš Pecka, Regulatory Impact Assessment Unit, Government Office of Czech Republic – RIA process in Czech Republic (confirmed)

Lívia Vašáková, European Commission in the Slovak Republic, State of the public sector in Slovakia and RIA process (confirmed)

Matúš Pošvanc, F.A. Hayek Foundation, Development of regulatory burdens in Slovakia (confirmed)


01:00pm Lunch