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Think Tank News

LFMI Ranks among Top Two Percent of Best Think Tanks in the World

LFMI Ranks among Top Two Percent of Best Think Tanks in the World

Ranked 14th in Central and Eastern Europe, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) firmly maintains the highest position among Lithuanian think tanks in the prestigious Global Go To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania.

The Global Go To Think Tank Index ranks over 8,100 think tanks worldwide, and LFMI has been among the top two per cent for several years now. This year LFMI is ranked 138th in the world’s top and 36th in the segment of think tanks with less than USD 5 million operating budget, a remarkable achievement for a Lithuanian organization.

Such a remarkable recognition of LFMI’s work is the outcome of our experts’ day-to-day effort to promote sound economic policies leading to more freedom and prosperity in Lithuania. It is also the proof that much can be achieved with a moderate budget. In economic policy, we equip policy-makers with sound policy solutions and arguments; in education, we identify obstacles to ensuring quality education, design tools and curriculum resources and work with schools to overcome those challenges. 28 years young, we stand in defence of economic and personal freedom and we are not to retreat”, – says Žilvinas Šilėnas, President of LFMI.

LFMI was also ranked 58th In the category of autonomous and independent institutions that are defined as “independent from any one interest group or donor and autonomous in their operation and funding from government”.

The index was compiled based on the assessment of 1,796 journalists, think tanks, policy analysts, opinion leaders and decision-makers from over 100 countries. The assessment takes into account the quality and reputation of research and analysis produced, the number of publications and the value they add to public discourse and public policy, the reputation with policy-makers and journalists, and several other criteria. The goal of the report is to highlight the impact and potential of think tanks across the world.

The Global Go To Think Tank index report is available for download at https://repository.upenn.edu/think_tanks/16/