editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!

Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!

The June 2024 EU elections had a tremendous influence on the political landscape throughout Europe. That was especially the case for Polish liberals, since after the Civic Coalition secured new European Parliament seats, the Nowoczesna Party obtained four new MPs in the Polish Sejm, including Aleksandra Kot, the youngest member of the Polish Parliament. Despite being only 24, Aleksandra Kot has impressive achievements that prove her competency and hard work.

In 2017, looking for space to meet like-minded activists, Kot joined Nowoczesna’s youth organization, Nowoczesna Youth. There she quickly became one of the most active members, which resulted in her becoming a leader in the region where she stayed and lived until she graduated from high school – the Podkarpackie region. She then moved to Cracow, where, thanks to her academic abilities, she got into one of the best law universities in the country – the Jagiellonian University. As a result of this change, in 2019 she took over the leadership of the Modern Youth of the Malopolska Region and eventually became a member of the National Board – first as a member of the board of directors, and from 2020. – vice president of the entire organization.

With her loyal and effective activity, she stood out in the party itself which gave her recognition among the members of Nowoczesna in the Malopolska region. At the end of that year she became vice president of the party’s region, and a few months later a member of the National Council of Nowoczesna.

Throughout the years, Aleksandra Kot was dedicated to spreading liberal ideas among young people by developing Nowoczesna Youth: together with the board she organized national congresses, took part in debates and international trainings alongside equipping other Nowoczesna Youth members with skills to take part in similar events. Due to her engagement, she gained trust among Nowoczesna Youth members who ultimately elected her as the president of their organization in 2023.

2023 was the year when Kot’s career accelerated. In the early fall, she campaigned for the Sejm, from the 15th place on the Civic Coalition list simultaneously preparing for the bar entrance exam. She succeeded in both challenges. In the elections to the Sejm, she received almost 5,000 votes, which at the time was not enough for a seat. However, 5 months later, with more than 3,000 votes she was elected to the Kraków City Council.

As a result of the electoral rearrangements in June 2024, she became an MP. Aleksandra Kot is an inspiration to the younger generation, showing how we can apply liberal ideas to our lives by working toward our goals to succeed.

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