editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


“Syrizophrenia”: Greek Dream of Better Life
“Syrizophrenia”: Greek Dream of Better Life
“An experiment of austerity” and “blackmailing” are just a few of the many fanciful epithets employed by the members of SYRIZA and socialists to create a “syrizophrenic” picture of what is going on. However, the true reasons of and solutions for the crisis have already been known for a long time.
More Debt Means Better Rating
What was quite interesting was the reaction of the official China\'s credit rating agency, Dagong, which has downgraded the US rating from A to A- due to the fact that the debt growth rate significantly outpaces that of fiscal income and GDP.
The financial crisis has been with us for six years and counting. The symptoms don’t change - growing unemployment, low or even stifled economic growth, the same ineffective measures adopted by governments and central banks.