editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Greece Has Not Done Its Homework
Greece Has Not Done Its Homework
The Greeks do not understand the imperative need for the reforms. Nor are they ready to reform. With the external pressure of the EU and other international institutions being the only reason to institute reforms, it is hard to expect any breakthrough. And this is the key problem.
ECB Four-Flush
As we have mentioned many times, China is preparing to enter the world currencies sphere. One piece of evidence is its vast activities in currency swaps with many countries, or the alleged increase in their official gold holdings.
Law and Disorder
Greek plans to overhaul three big state-owned companies were thrown into disarray by Troika, which insists on more decisive solutions. These three companies only made a loss of 130 million euros in 2011 and have accumulated 2.5 billion euros of debts so far.