editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

budget deficit

206 Billion PLN – Real Budget Deficit at the End of 2023
206 Billion PLN – Real Budget Deficit at the End of 2023
The true budget deficit at the end of 2023 will amount to over 206 billion PLN. The budget debate taking place in Sejm is based on the draft budget, which does not show the full picture of state\'s expenditures and revenues. Pursuant to the Public Finance Act, the management of public funds is open and transparent.
Fiat Euro! 12/2012
Fiat Euro! 12/2012
Why not to believe door-to-door sellers, central bankers; which European country is the closest to a default,how Italians save money  on food to sendpayments to the investment bank Morgan Stanley thanks to their clever politicians, and finally about really clean money.By the way, do you have a chicken at home already? Mario Draghi, president of ECB, […]
Predictions about Estonian Economy in 2012
Predictions about Estonian Economy in 2012
As The Lithuania Tribune writes (quoting SEB’s Eastern Economic Outlook published in March 2012) Estonia’s growth fill fall to 1.5% in 2012 and increase again in 2013 reaching 2.5%. As a result of smaller demand in Sweden and Finland Estonian expansion is limited while high inflation continues. In 2011 Estonian GDP growth reached the level […]