editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

domestic violence

Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic violence is a serious and insidious social issue that concerns anyone, regardless of gender or social status. It takes several forms, including physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual, sexual, economic, or a combination of the above. Due to the fact that it occurs behind closed doors, it is often completely invisible to society. This makes it difficult to assess how many families are actually involved.
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Lockdowns and other restrictive measures to keep people in their homes and prevent socializing with others were introduced. But what if home is not a safe place? What if being locked down with a member of your family or a partner is the very definition of being unsafe and at risk of physical injury or psychological abuse?
Polish Minister of Justice and “Gender Gibberish”
Polish Minister of Justice and “Gender Gibberish”
Zbigniew Ziobro, the Polish Minister of Justice, has vowed to submit a motion aimed at withdrawing Poland from the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe´s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. He said the Convention contains harmful, ideological elements. He also stressed that Poland is doing just fine with protection […]