editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

EP elections

Disparity in Campaign Financing in Hungary’s 2024 EP and Municipal Elections
Disparity in Campaign Financing in Hungary’s 2024 EP and Municipal Elections
The 2024 EP and municipal elections in Hungary, held on the same day, provide a complex and illuminating study of how financial resources, legal frameworks, and media control shape electoral outcomes. The Fidesz party\'s overwhelming dominance in campaign spending, both directly and indirectly, highlights significant imbalances in the democratic process.
Polish EP Elections: Gateway for Change or Retirement Home for Politicians?
Polish EP Elections: Gateway for Change or Retirement Home for Politicians?
Poland has proudly joined the EU 20 years ago. However, the European Parliament still lacks credible representation in the eyes of many voters, in particular the country\'s youth. As the EP elections approach, one must question the true purpose of these elections in Poland. Are these elections genuine democratic exercises or merely opportunities for aging politicians to secure pensions and receive a last token of appreciation from their parties?