editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Euro Bill

Euro Bill Updated
Society, Think Tank News
Euro Bill Updated
The Euro Bill is project run by Slovak think tank INESS, which tracks all guarantees and expenses related to euro zone rescue efforts. The May update includes several changes, related mainly to the spring default of Greece. Paradoxically, the overall sum of guarantees dropped slightly to EUR 1860 per capita (in Slovakia). This is due […]
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Europe promised even more money which it doesn’t have, Spain promises painful cuts, Slovakia higher taxes. Euro Bill keeps increasing, we will pray for its rescue and just 11-year-old Dutch children want to expropriate Greeks.  We will start this week rather gloomily. On Wednesday morning an older man, former pharmacist  Dimitris Christoulas, committed suicide by […]
Slovak Euro Bill Updated
Slovak Euro Bill Updated
The INESS Institute, independent Slovak think tank, runs a regularly updated the Euro Bill on its specialized website eurokriza.sk. The Bill contains structured records of all Slovak guarantees, borrowings, and share of bond purchases related to the Euro-rescue efforts. After the last update from the late March 2012, the Euro Bill reached EUR 1869 per […]