editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Are European Structural and Cohesion Funds Effective?
The effectiveness of European structural and cohesion funds (SCF) has long been a contradictory topic, both for European institutions and researchers. This matter is particularly interesting for in-depth exploration, because of the lack of unambiguous evidence regarding the effect of these funds on beneficiary regions and countries. Four countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece) have […]
The Republicans on the Edge
That is why the thesis proposed in this text, which claims that the 2012 election marked the beginning of the end of the Republican Party does not mean that this party will disappear from American politics.
America’s Missed Opportunity
American economy is commonly known to be in a bad condition. Most Americans are convinced that 4 years of the President Obama\'s administration government have not managed to deal with the crisis.
U.S. Election and Hungary: Does It Matter?
In Hungary the issue of ethnicities is a topic we can’t ignore. Stereotypes about roma are stabilized and racism is growing to considerable proportions among Hungarians. Physical abuse, violence, negative discrimination is common in the country and solutions are unknown.
Think Tank News
Report: Liberal Social Policy Conference
The conference was a great opportunity to share the opinions in different areas of social policy between experts from different countries from Central and Eastern Europe. We hope that it also strengthened the tights between members of 4liberty.eu network.
Proselytism, Democratism and Other Enemies
Legal regulations concerning axiological choices made by individuals in their private or intimate spheres, formed on the basis of the expectations and awareness of the democratic majority, are essentially deprived of legitimization and are not acceptable within the scope of prohibitions and restrictions they introduce.