editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Capitalism Can Be Different: Political Lessons from the Hungarian Uber-Protests
Capitalism Can Be Different: Political Lessons from the Hungarian Uber-Protests
Although the frontlines are very clear when it comes to democracy, rule of law, European orientation – it is not the case in economic issues. Opposition parties have to remember this when creating a program and looking for alternatives instead of the regime of Fidesz: the Hungarian opposition is not right of left wing, rather eclectic – just like the government.
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
On October 28, Colleen Bell, American ambassador to Hungary, pointed out the dire political and social problems Hungary faces today – problems it must solve. The speech, delivered at a university in Budapest, is not the first criticism Hungary received from its Western ally.
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Politics, Society
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Hungarian government started building a fence on the border with Serbia to ward the immigrants off. The construction, stretching over 170 kilometers, is not in any way a solution to the problem of immigration. All that the fence will do is manifest Hungary’s separation from Europe.