editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Speaking of Feminism(s) from the Perspective of Freedom
Speaking of Feminism(s) from the Perspective of Freedom
I would like to live in a society with more balanced power relations between men and women. Nevertheless, I expect it would be free individuals who will create it. People who are equipped in proper knowledge and who make use their rights, and who are able and willing to shape the world. Because I believe they can do it. And the state itself can\'t.
The Price of Principles
The Price of Principles
Orbán is interested only in cash, not in values. His disregard for values or (to make it sound more proudly) for ethos of Western democracy continues for years and is expressed in many constitutional reforms or a positive evaluation of the model of the political system of modern China. He therefore easily avoids the topic of Ukraine\'s right to sovereignty, self-reliance in international politics and territorial integrity.
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész’s victory shattered the two third majority of governing party Fidesz in the parliament. Using this supermajority, the government has implemented a new constitution and new laws curtailing the freedom of speech, human rights and the power of the constitutional court since 2010. Hungary has also become fearfully friendly with Russia regardless of the growing tensions between the EU and Putin.
EU Money Gone to Waste in Hungary
Economy, Politics
EU Money Gone to Waste in Hungary
With a new scandal involving extensive corruption the country is alienating the countries of the West and as much as Prime Minister Orbán wants to follow Putin’s footsteps, the question is whether there would be any country left which would take Hungary seriously?