editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Status Law – Revenge of Hungarian Education Policy
Status Law – Revenge of Hungarian Education Policy
The \"Status Law\" is a bill by the Hungarian Ministry of Interior the purpose of which is to regulate the new career path of pedagogues. The educators are deeply unsatisfied with their current work conditions and have been on strike constantly for more than a year now without any success. The \"Status Law\" is the response by the government to the demands, but in reality, it does not offer a solution. In fact, it only worsens circumstances.
Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic violence is a serious and insidious social issue that concerns anyone, regardless of gender or social status. It takes several forms, including physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual, sexual, economic, or a combination of the above. Due to the fact that it occurs behind closed doors, it is often completely invisible to society. This makes it difficult to assess how many families are actually involved.
Academic Freedom (or Lack Thereof) in Hungary
Academic Freedom (or Lack Thereof) in Hungary
Academic freedom is the cornerstone of a thriving educational environment, providing researchers, teachers, and students with the independence to pursue knowledge and engage in intellectual discourse without fear of censorship or political interference. It nurtures an atmosphere that promotes the unfettered exchange of ideas, challenges existing beliefs, and encourages the pursuit of truth.
Political Gaslighting – Keeps You Warm But Leaves You in the Dark
Political Gaslighting – Keeps You Warm But Leaves You in the Dark
Gaslighting is a psychological term that we hear more and more. It covers serious emotional and mental abuse, a manipulation technique whereby the perpetrator controls the victim by invalidating their perception of reality. In particular, the term political gaslighting is spreading in a new wave of political science mainly in Western Europe and the United States.
Us and Them
Us and Them
It is a basic need for every human being to connect with others. Social psychology classifies the need for connection as one of the basic human motives, since humans are essentially social beings. Belonging somewhere has countless advantages. But what about when it\'s not a partnership or a group, but a crowd?
Update on LGBT+ Rights in Hungary in Light of the 2022 Referendum
Update on LGBT+ Rights in Hungary in Light of the 2022 Referendum
Hungary\'s right-wing government, since Fidesz\'s first landslide victory in 2010 and their subsequent successes in 2014, 2018, and 2022, has been increasingly willing to put cultural issues, particularly gender and LGBT+, at the forefront of its campaigns. Fidesz\'s framing of the issue regularly contained the need for children\'s protection rather than overt attacks on sexual and gender minorities.