editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

lex Szyszko

Poland’s <i>Illegal</i> Natural Heritage
Poland’s Illegal Natural Heritage
Last Tuesday, the minister said in the parliament that UNESCO “illegally” added the Polish Białowieża primeval forest to the World Heritage list (sic!). Luckily, Polish activists and the friends of the Białowieża forest from all over the world are still fighting.
Good Intentions, Pathological Law-Making Process and Manipulation: Law and Justice’s Recipe for Nature Protection
Politics, Society
Good Intentions, Pathological Law-Making Process and Manipulation: Law and Justice’s Recipe for Nature Protection
”Lex Szyszko” became a symbol of a low-quality, discriminating law, which, however, was based on good intentions. It also became an example of how manipulated information can influence society through the Internet. This case should be a warning for every politician – citizens need a stable and predictable legislature.