editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Is destabilization of the EU really the only alternative? German constitutional court takes its time. The state won’t allow any competition in manipulating interest rates. Many Spaniards have put all the eggs in one basket, which is currently hitting the ground. When Silvio is talking, rating agencies are listening. New chairman of the Council for […]
Bankers are Overworked – Fiat Euro! 27/2012
Bankers are Overworked – Fiat Euro! 27/2012
ECB trade unions protest, Barclays collects all the prizes both at home and abroad, Sarkozy packed toothbrush and pajamas – just in case, Finns and Dutch are disobedient, Klaus witty about the Europe as always. And you know who rules the EU? Communists. Ongoing crisis has profound social implications. So significant that they were noticed […]