editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


No New Rules But Commitment to the Old Ones
No New Rules But Commitment to the Old Ones
Are you catching up all the tools, actions and countermeasures designed to save the eurozone from a break-up? Let’s count them together. Bilateral loans to Greece, IMF loans, SMP, EFSM, EFSF, LTRO, Sixpack, Fiscal Pact, ESM, OMT… It’s difficult to find a politician, not to say an ordinary citizen, who understands all these abbreviations. And […]
Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Central banks still don’t provide monetary opium, how long will the current illusions last without it? New taxes and economic growth. Milton Friedman would be 100 years old. Crisis is 5 years old. Last week we challenged the governor of the ECB Mario Draghi, who promised the moon to the markets, to stop talking and to […]