editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Mariano Rajoy

Giving Out
The Catalonian president has unilaterally declared the date of an independence referendum – November 9, 2014. The Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy, supported by the EU president Herman Van Rompuy, has immediately declared that there will not be any referendum.
Better Tomorrows Are Not Coming
Spain had its public debt at the level of 68.5% of GDP in 2011, and then at 85.9% in 2012, and now Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy believes that this year Spain will end with the debt of 94.2% of GDP. Spain is definitely a big problem for the EU.
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
Bouncer Ottmar Issing. ECB once again kept Greece in the game. Will the next five-year plan be merrier? Briefly today. Pandas are on holidays and without Angela Merkel who is having a rest and German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schauble, not much is going on in Europe. Mario Monti, Italian Prime Minister, informed Germans that […]