editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

minimum wage

The Side-Effects of the Minimum Wage Increases
The Side-Effects of the Minimum Wage Increases
From 2012 to 2014 Lithuania increased its minimum monthly wage by almost one third (from 800 Litas in 2012 to 1,035 Litas in 2014). There are suggestions to increase the minimum wage in 2015 even more the supporters of the idea claim that companies would adapt. But is it all that simple? According to the survey conducted by LFMI, minimum wage increases come at a cost and they eventually bring several negative consequences.
Minimum Wage: Clueless Obama Strikes Again
Minimum wage debate is in full swing again after President Obama desperately trying to save his approval rating – with the exception of Nixon, worse than any other postwar second-term president – urged Congress to raise its federal level to $9 / hour.