editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


How to Strengthen Poland’s Post-Pandemic Recovery?
How to Strengthen Poland’s Post-Pandemic Recovery?
The COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by unprecedented state interventions – from restrictions on basic individual freedoms to significant increases in public spending, among others, to compensate companies for the effects of the shutdown.
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
Think Tank News
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
“More free market or more government? How to strengthen post-pandemic recovery?”. It was the title of a panel hosted by the FOR during the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Poland, the largest conference of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. The panel was supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Agata Stremecka, President of FOR, moderated the discussion.
Foreseen Failure of Vaccination Efforts in Bulgaria
Foreseen Failure of Vaccination Efforts in Bulgaria
At the end of May, the IME wrote that it was high time for a ramp-up of vaccine efforts in Bulgaria. By this, we meant that the vaccination process should be made the first and foremost governmental priority, and that as many tools as possible should be sought and employed to speed up the pace. The reason was obvious. The country was substantially far behind achieving the set target – vaccinating 70% of the adult population by the end of August.
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Lockdowns and other restrictive measures to keep people in their homes and prevent socializing with others were introduced. But what if home is not a safe place? What if being locked down with a member of your family or a partner is the very definition of being unsafe and at risk of physical injury or psychological abuse?
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
On August 10, the Slovak cabinet approved a series of changes to the COVID automat - an emotionally charged topic that had led to several anti-government protests in recent weeks. The new changes are due to come into force on August 16. They come after the last set of restrictions regarding the border regime was suspended by the Slovak Constitutional Court, giving the people who only got the 1st dose of vaccine the same rights as those who are unvaccinated.
Pandemic Lessons: 2021 Bratislava Free Market Roadshow
Think Tank News
Pandemic Lessons: 2021 Bratislava Free Market Roadshow
After many years, the last year’s organization of the traditional international conference Free Market Roadshow, which has been organized by INESS in cooperation with AEC was cancelled due to the pandemic. This year, it was brought back - into the online space - and dedicated to the topic which has been perhaps the most pertinent for the last year and for many years to come: Pandemic Lessons.
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
The disinformation actors also stick to their traditional topics including Covid-19 and anti-vaccination narratives. The passing of a popular Slovak presenter Julo Viršík at the age of 56 due to cardiac arrest, who was recently vaccinated with AstraZeneca\'s vaccine, served as a pretext for the renewed spread of anti-vax narratives by the disinformation media.