editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

pharmaceutical sector

Expensive New Medications vs Expensive Old Medications
Expensive New Medications vs Expensive Old Medications
Recently publicized case of a child who was not reimbursed by his health insurance company for a requested medicine illustrates the broken world of medicine. Lots of regulations  and little market is supposed to protect patients, but it often works exactly the opposite. A three-year-old boy from Slovakia suffers from Dravet syndrome, a severe form of congenital epilepsy characterized by dozens of seizures each day.
Greater Flexibility Is Path Towards Better Access to Medication And Innovation
Greater Flexibility Is Path Towards Better Access to Medication And Innovation
The European Commission has launched an initiative on the evaluation and revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation with an overall aim to ensure a future-proof and crisis-resistant regulatory system. The revision is intended to ensure access to affordable medicines, to foster innovation, including in areas of unmet medical need, to improve security of supply and address shortages, to promote technological development and to reduce red tape.