editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


LFMI to Host Heritage Foundation in Lithuania
Think Tank News
LFMI to Host Heritage Foundation in Lithuania
On June 11-12, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute will host the Heritage Foundation representatives, who will meet with the Lithuanian government, politicians and business leaders to discuss Lithuania\'s progress in the 2015 Index of Economic Freedom and reforms needed to further improve the country\'s ratings.
What Can We Learn from the CIA Report?
What Can We Learn from the CIA Report?
It appears that if back then, CIA ordered them to insert their fingers into a paper shredder, they would gladly do that in accordance with this unconditional trust. Unfortunately, the consequences of such a behaviour may be far more serious than the Texas paper shredder massacre.
Too Easy to Be True
Too Easy to Be True
Reasonable climate policy means more benefits than costs. Therefore we need to know how expensive a warmer climate is before we cheer strict climate policy instruments. But that number is nowhere to be seen in the last WGIII-report. We are supposed to believe that two degree Celsius more would ruin the world.