editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Think Tank News

4liberty.eu Members to Speak at Freedom Games

4liberty.eu Members to Speak at Freedom Games

Representatives of the Republikon Institute and the LFMI are to take part in a discussion on “Green Development: An Opportunity for CEE?” to be held on October 15, 2022, in Lodz, Poland. The session will promote the forthcoming issue of the 4liberty.eu Review devoted to this topic.

Green Development: An Opportunity for CEE?

October 15 (Saturday) 18:00-19:00 CET

  • Christopher Gleadle – President of the Paddy Ashdown Forum
  • Karolina Mickutė – senior researcher-lawyer at the Lithuanian Free Market Institute
  • Šárka Shoup [ONLINE] – Executive Director of the Institute for Politics and Society
  • Ricardo Silvestre – international affairs specialist at the Movimento Liberal Social think tank
  • Andrea Virág – Director of Strategy at the Republikon Institue

Moderation: Małgorzata Bonikowska – President of the Center for International Relations and the THINKTANK center, Europeanist

Partner: 4liberty.eu

The session will be available online for streaming free of charge.

For more details see: https://igrzyskawolnosci.pl/en/

This year, among the hundreds of guests one may find: Johan Norberg (a Swedish author, lecturer, and documentary filmmaker), Dr Jane Goodall (World renowned ethologist & conservationist), Tom G. Palmer (Executive vice president for international programs at Atlas Network, senior fellow at the Cato Institute), Daisy Sindelar (Vice President and Editor in Chief of RFE/RL), John Keane (Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney and the WZB, Berlin), and currently teaching at Beijing Foreign Studies University), Emily O’Riley (European Ombudsman), Mark Lilla (Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University), Gerald Knaus (Author, the European Stability Initiative’s founding chairman), Nataliya Melnyk (Executive Director of Bendukidze Free Market Center), Marek Józefiak (Media and policy officer of Greenpeace Poland), Aneta Vaine (Vice President of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, LFMI), Janina Ochojska (Polish humanitarian worker, President of the Polish Humanitarian Organization, member of the European Parliament) among many others.