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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [AUGUST 2022]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [AUGUST 2022]

The August issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

We are pleased to announce that the 2022 edition of Freedom Games is to be held on October 14-16 in the EC1, Lodz, Poland and online. The leading theme of this year’s forum is “Green Independence”.
Luca Szecsi (Republikon Institute):
Today, we hear everywhere about the importance of the SDGs. Multinational companies, NGOs and politicians are talking about how they would implement the UN’s goals. But what is the European Parliament doing about it?

Marcin Zielinski (FOR):

Coal Allowance in Poland: From Soup to Nuts

In times of galloping inflation, the Polish government creates another inflation impulse – the “Coal allowance”, the payment of which is expected to cost as much as PLN 11.5 billion. Once again, the government grants support regardless of the beneficiary’s financial situation.

Beata Krawiec (Liberte!):

Vision of Female Solidarity

I can imagine brave female deputies from the ruling party who vote for universal access to abortion until the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy. I can imagine left-wing female councilors being able to work with nuns at a community center. Difficult times require extraordinary actions and searching for compromises.

Mate Hajba (Free Market Foundation):

Bad Leaders, Worse Opposition

History has been fraught with bad leaders. The terribly bad ones are not those whose leadership skills are lacking, far from it. In fact, the worst leaders excel at leadership skills, at least for those minimum number of people who can keep them in a leadership position.
Detmar Doering (FNF):
Estonia has witnessed several changes of government in the last few years. On July 18, there has been another one. However, Estonia’s success story as the most economically and technologically developed country in transition has not stopped yet.

Yevhen Anhel & Anastasia Gulik (IER):

Manufacturing Industries with Better Resilience in Wartime Ukraine

Russia ‘s full-scale invasion of Ukraine highlighted the weak points of the Ukraine’s economy. In the recent years, Ukraine’s manufacturing sector predominantly demonstrated stagnation. Consequently, manufacturing is expected to decline by 42.6% due to the war, much higher than decline of Ukraine’s GDP – 31% (according to the IER assessment).

Gia Jandieri (NESG):

Georgia’s Trade Dependence on Russia Is Political, Not Economic

There are several spheres in which Georgia now depends on Russian imports. First of all, in the energy sector. While the figures can vary, Russian imports became essential during the recent years. The natural gas Georgia receives mostly from Azerbaijan but part of the supply is based on the transit payment of the Russia-Armenia pipeline.

Liberte! & ELF:

Short Introduction to Populisms [PODCAST]

In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Leszek Jażdżewski (Fundacja Liberté!) welcomes Professor Wojciech Sadurski, Challis Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Sydney and a Professor of the University of Warsaw, Centre for Europe. He is a member of several supervisory or program boards, including the International Association of Constitutional Law, ICON-S, and the Institute of Public Affairs (Poland). They talk about democracy, populisms, and their different faces in light of the current crises.