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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [NOVEMBER 2020]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [NOVEMBER 2020]

The November issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

We are pleased to present the thirteenth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “DisinforNation: Disinformation Practices in CEE”. This time, our primary focus is the techniques employed by various agents in the region aimed at seeding and spreading false or manufactured information.

Tanja Porcnik for Liberal Voices Syndicated:
Democracy at Play or At Risk in Post-Election America?
In democratic societies, elections are determined by the vote of the people. The democratic process in the United States elected President Trump in 2016. Four years later, after all legal votes are counted and verified, the same process may require that he peacefully transfer that power to someone else.

Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (Liberales Institut):
The death of legendary US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg generated massive media coverage. While she was still alive, this 87-year-old icon of the US feminist movement was feted almost like a pop star. “RBG”, as she was lovingly referred to, represented the liberal America where a poor girl from an immigrant family could transform an entire country. Her loss, and her replacement by conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett, have led many to doubt whether that America still exists.
Toni Skoric (FNF):
Recently, Hungary and Poland blocked the EU’s historic financial package of 1.82 trillion euros. The right-wing nationalist governments of the two countries want to prevent the rule of law compliance conditionality in the distribution of EU funds.

Marek Tatala for Liberal Voices Syndicated:
Poland Needs More Rule of Law and Fewer Conflicts with Brussels
The Polish government’s war with both Brussels and a significant part of the Polish population over the rule of law is against Poland’s national interests.

Monika Budzak (INESS):
The low productivity of agriculture and the coronavirus crisis have sparked a discussion about promoting self-sufficiency in agri-food products in Slovakia. Many hope that it is self-sufficiency that will guarantee twice as many cattle grazing on the pastures, tons of Slovak organic meat or eggs from happy free-range hens on the supermarket shelves.
Natalie Marakova (FNF):
The Constitutional Tribunal in Poland has granted a request by more than 100 right-wing conservative MPs and declared abortions, even on account of severe foetal defects, to be unconstitutional. The ruling paves the way for a further tightening of the Polish abortion law, which is already one of the strictest in the European Union.