editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
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4liberty.eu Network Meeting in Tbilisi Has Come to an End

4liberty.eu Network Meeting in Tbilisi Has Come to an End

4liberty.eu team on Freedom Square in Tbilisi, Georgia

On October 16-18, 2014 the 4liberty.eu team participated in a joint meeting of all member organizations held in Tbilisi, Georgia. This was also the perfect opportunity to welcome the three new cooperating partners of our network: New Economic School – Georgia, The Institute of Economic Research and policy Consulting – Kiev, and Center for Civil Liberties. 

During our stay in the capital of Georgia we had also a chance to take part in a ceremony of signing agreement between New Economic School – Georgia and University of Georgia about creation of Institute of Economic Freedom. The members of the network were also invited as panellists into discussion entitled “Economic Freedom after the EU accession: Lessons from CEE Region” (Richard Durana – the President of INESS, Slovakia; Leszek Jażdżewski – Editor-in-Chief of Liberte!, Poland; Tanja Porcnik – the President of Svetilnik, Slovenia; Gia Jandieri – vice-president of New Economic School of Georgia).

The meeting was organised thanks to the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and Visegrad Fund.

Enjoy the photo gallery from the events!