editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Ahead of Hungarian Election // 4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R

Ahead of Hungarian Election // 4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R

This special issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website tackling the forthcoming Hungarian parliamentary election.

With the Hungarian parliamentary election taking place in a month’s time and opinion polls showing Viktor Orban’s governing Fidesz party and the opposition alliance “United for Hungary” running neck-and-neck, the 4liberty.eu network in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom presents a selection of articles exploring the Hungarian economic conditions, media landscape, voter preferences, as well as the challenges facing the united opposition in the run-up to the election.
Unhack Democracy & FNF:
Unhack Democracy’s year-long investigation into the April 2018 Hungarian Parliamentary elections indicates Prime Minister Viktor Orbán secured his one-seat supermajority thanks to a combination of outright fraud, gerrymandering and by engineering the electoral system.

Marton Schlanger (Republikon Institute):

Sought-After Votes: Young Voters and 2022 Hungary Parliamentary Elections

The willingness to vote in Hungarian society is high in elderly population, while it’s relatively low in the youngest age group. Because of this, a lot of attention is focused on pensioners in the form of direct campaign promises and PR. This is not surprising, considering that the oldest age group’s votes are the biggest deciding factor in all Hungarian elections.
Eszter Nova & FNF:
2022 will be the year of a momentous election in Hungary. We can’t see past it but we can line up the forces that shape the outcome. We will analyze the four possible scenarios of election results – supermajority or simple majority to either side – and what may come after.
Mate Hajba (Free Market Foundation):
As general elections are drawing near in Hungary, there is change in the air. Opposition parties put away their differences and are getting united in order to beat the current governing party, Fidesz, at the forthcoming election.

Hungarian Helsinki Committee & FNF:

Non-Execution of Domestic and International Court Judgments in Hungary

The implementation of domestic and international court judgments is one of the cornerstones of the rule of law. Without it, the systems will crumble. This is all the more so when state agencies are the ones that defy compliance with the judgments handed down by their own domestic courts, or when states start to tear up the fabric of international agreements by not complying with the judgments of international courts. This is exactly what has been happening in Hungary.

Toni Skoric (FNF):

Orbán’s Close Ties to Putin’s Russia Increasingly Dangerous for Him

Ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán strives not to be associated with Putin’s regime, just like his European allies Marine Le Pen in France and Mateo Salvini in Italy.
Detmar Doering (FNF):
On April 3, the Hungarian parliamentary elections will take place with the opposition being united in an alliance for the first time, thus having a good chance of winning the elections. And right here, Orbán’s carefully cultivated Russophilia represents a possible risk for him. F
Zsolt Nagy (Republikon Institute):
The inflation in Hungary is just as bad as it is in the rest of Europe: in 2021 the rate of the inflation was 7.4%, which was a 13-year-old record. It is a logical step from the government that they want to reduce its level and want to moderate the prices.

Peter Lang (Republikon Institute):

Neck-and-Neck Race: Analysing Voting Patterns in Hungary

Dániel Róna from the 21 Research Center explores the tactical aspects of the next election, Andrea Szabó from the Research Institute of Social Sciences presents her research on uncertain voters, and Andrea Virág from the Republikon Institute showcases the Institute’s latest research on liberal voters in Hungary.

Andrea Virag (Republikon Institute & FNF):

Together against Orbán

The Hungarian opposition joined its forces by sending a common candidate into the spring race to become Hungary’s next prime minister: Péter Márki-Zay. Only a joint program is missing. Be it as it may, the outlook is promising.