editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Detmar Doering

ABOUT Detmar Doering
Project Director at Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Central European and Baltic Countries
Greater-Warsaw and Other Maneuvers: Polish Government Plays Tricks with Electoral Bill
Greater-Warsaw and Other Maneuvers: Polish Government Plays Tricks with Electoral Bill
Since its accession to power, the national conservative government, appointed by the PiS party (Law and Justice), is systematically altering the state in order to secure its power on a permanent basis. The opposition is having a hard time. The fact that the electoral law should now be adapted to the party’s needs is not really surprising.
Angell Revisited
Angell Revisited
The events after August 1914 made Angell and his theories a laughing stock. The era of liberal free trade had ended with the most deadly war ever. Modern industrialism made war even worse. So was Angell fundamentally wrong?