editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT Liberte
Liberte! is a magazine created by young people in Łódź in 2008. Its mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture and to organize a social movement around these ideas.
Liberte! cooperates with well-known institutions such as Batory Foundations, Naumann Foundation, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan as well as Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Up to now 10 issues of the magazine were printed, the on-line version is available both in Polish and in English.
Liberte! is not only a magazine, it is also an institution which organizes numerous events such as conferences (for example the conference ‘What capitalism after the crisis?’ in cooperation with Lewiatan) or debates. It provides patronage over many important events, such as the 20th Economic Forum in Krynica.
<i>Adieu, Pologne</i>? Poland’s Position in the EU
Adieu, Pologne? Poland’s Position in the EU
With electing the PiS government for the second time in a row, the hope for ending the crisis in the country ended. Any further delay of the ongoing processes from their further development in a hope that Poland shall return to the center of the political debate on the future of Europe seems futile.
Year of Political Struggle for Poland Ahead
Year of Political Struggle for Poland Ahead
The year 2020 in Poland is going to be very busy, politically. A presidential election, attempts to change party leaders, or a new political group. From the point of view of the state and citizens, a spectacle awaits us all. From the point of view of party leaders, it\'s going to be a fight for survival.
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
With a presidential election looming next year, the prospect of Tusk taking a one-man stand against the well-organised machine of the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) had come to seem risky, especially with all the lies pumped out by state TV depicting him as a puppet of Germany.
World Without Liberal Democracy
World Without Liberal Democracy
This article shall serve as a cautionary tale about the fact that if liberal democracy collapses, even liberally-minded people may dismiss democracy and promote liberty-oriented meritocracy, which would cut off numerous citizens from politics – sometimes, for their own good.