editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Mate Hajba

ABOUT Mate Hajba
Director of the Free Market Foundation, which advocates economic freedom, civil rights and tolerance. He is also the Vice President of Civic Platform, which runs anti-racist campaigns and promotes democratic values. He is interested in the relationship between the state and the individual and in the concept and history of liberty. He writes for international press on issues such as intolerance in Hungary and international relations. To promote the concept of individualism, liberty, tolerance and free market, he co-founded a youth organization named Eötvös Club.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Fake News
Harry Potter and the Deathly Fake News
Fake news are like religion, you must believe them despite of all common sense and evidence to the contrary. Like any radical religion, it must be protected at all costs. And so, in the fifth volume, Dolores Umbridge made Harry write lines, etching them into his own skin, saying: “I must not tell lies”.
Terrified Hungary
Politics, Society
Terrified Hungary
We must not remain silent, we must not accept fear. The government is still in power because it made people believe that it will protect them from the immigrants, NGOs, the EU and capitalistic and imperialistic American interests. And in the meantime they make people terrified of dissent.
Hungarian Civility
Think Tank News
Hungarian Civility
With no independent media, no checks and balances, no civil oversight, one of the most corrupt governments in the EU can expand on its already immense powers and get even closer to Putin’s Russia. But it is not too late to act and save what remains of civil society in Hungary.
Castro’s Looming Shadow
Castro’s Looming Shadow
Years after communism failed spectacularly with the demise of the Soviet Union, long after the horrendous deeds of the collectivist dictatorships became well known, there are still people who have the audacity to laud mass murderers of the likes of Fidel Castro.
Blockbuster Politics
Politics, Society
Blockbuster Politics
The answer to populism is not more populism. Demagogues can be defeated without lies. In the recent U.S. election two extremely untrustworthy candidates tried to outbid each other in telling the biggest lies. You can promise blood, sweat and tears and still be loved.
South Park Politics
Politics, Society
South Park Politics
The Trump phenomenon has left analysts baffled. Who would have thought that such a clown can stand a real chance of becoming the next President of the United States? While most of the experts were still figuring out what on earth has happened, the explanation came from an unlikely source: South Park.