editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
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Call for Papers for Visio Journal: Constitutional Democracy in Predicament

Call for Papers for Visio Journal: Constitutional Democracy in Predicament

After the decades-long global momentum toward constitutional democracy, we have in recent years been observing its reversal as institutional and constitutional constraints on government have been weakened, and human rights have been afforded less protection.

In addition, the coronavirus pandemic exigencies have put constitutional democracy to yet another test. Scholars speak of “democracy in retreat”, “democratic backsliding”, “democratic deconsolidation”, “democratic recession”, “constitutional retrogression”, “constitutional failure” and “constitutional rot”.

The next issue of The Visio Journal will explore the causes of concern with the resilience and robustness of constitutional democracy globally. We are in particular looking for papers analysing the degree institutions and legal frameworks of liberal democracies are resilient to the attacks on the rule of law, open society, and human rights. We welcome papers on related questions of the leading topic of the Journal.


  • Type: Empirical with regional- or country-focus.
  • Length: 000 – 30.000 characters without spaces.
  • Style: Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Author-Date system (https://libguides.williams.edu/citing/chicago-author-date).
  • Text: In a Word file. Figures and Tables: In an Excel file.
  • Language: English (American or British usage, but not a mixture of these). Submissions by non-native speakers will be accepted if they have already gone through the language editing to make sure that the submission is free of grammatical, spelling, and other errors.


  • MONDAY, May 2nd, 2022: Paper proposal with proposed title, concept note, and questions to be discussed submitted to Editor at  with a subject line “The Visio Journal Proposal Submission.”
  • FRIDAY, May 6th, 2022: Confirmation of selected authors/papers.
  • MONDAY, June 20th, 2022: Manuscript submitted to Editor at  with a subject line “The Visio Journal Submission.”
  • FRIDAY, July 1st, 2022: Feedback on the manuscript.
  • MONDAY, July 11th, 2022: Final version of the paper submitted.


For each paper accepted for publication in The Visio Journal 7, 400 EUR will be awarded to the author or authors of the paper.

To be eligible for a review process as well as for publication, manuscripts must be written, edited, and submitted according to the specifications and within the given deadlines.

The article was originally published at: http://visio-institut.org/visio-journal-7/