editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Four Countries Publish Results of Bureaucracy Index
Think Tank News
Four Countries Publish Results of Bureaucracy Index
Bureaucracy Index was introduced in Slovakia in 2016 by Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) to emphasize the amount of red tape a small entrepreneur has to overcome on a daily basis. It is based on a straightforward methodology, using an analysis of a model company.
Law and Justice or Freedom
Law and Justice or Freedom
Today, I have some very bad news. Yes, this is the end of democracy in Poland. Yesterday (2015 parliamentary elections), the votes of Poles began this process, today it is in the middle, and tomorrow (2019 parliamentary elections), it may end with the death of the free Republic of Poland as we know it.
Fixed-Term Employment for Long-Term Competitiveness
Fixed-Term Employment for Long-Term Competitiveness
Labor market flexibility may be characterized by the market participants\' abilities to deviate from standard labor regulations and typical forms of employment. Such possibilities may not only provide positive outcomes to both employers and employees, but they may also benefit the whole economy.
Minimum Wage Regulation. It’s Complicated
Minimum Wage Regulation. It’s Complicated
There is evidence showing that increases in mandatory minimum wage might force some firms to increase prices, lay off workers, cut fringe benefits for employees and engage in other revenue-boosting or cost-cutting measures.